
Friday, 15 April 2016

St Patricks day

St Patricks day.

On St Patrick day da soul friends mass was in da morning.I was reading with my soul friend his name was Sateki.When we were reading I felt nervous when I was reading.

When we finished our soul friend mass we went out of the church and people who brought their food and shared it with their soul friends.If we had nothing to bring Mrs Denny gave us some chips.
The best part I liked was the shared lunch.

We are learning to write a recount using our personal voice.I used my personal voice in my writing when I describe.I liked the shared lunch because we got to eat lots of food.I liked the shared lunch because we got to eat chips/drinks.


On a dark night I came back from my friends house.When I came back I saw something at the back of the house it looked like a person I yelled out to him but he just standed there.

Then I went up closer then I ran away it was a zombie there were zombies everywhere they were down the street but there were none near at my friends house.

Then I ran to my friends house then I told him what happened then he thought I was lying I took him to my house then he told me to stay here.

when he came back he brought a big bag in the big bag he brought baseball bats/guns/bombs.

Then I grabbed the baseball bat then we whacked the zombies in the head then I grabbed a gun then the big ones came and surrounded then i got the bombs and threw it at them then I ran away and the big ones exploded.

Then me and my friend ran down the street there were lots of zombies they could jump and attack you from behind and it could run fast.When we saw them they jump in the sky we couldn't see them.

when we looked behind us we heard something there were more zombies “where did they come from” i said “they must of came from the house across the road” said my friend.

We got the guns out and shot them we were spraying them but something came down from the sky it was a big one with a horse and a army of zombies so I got a rocket launcher out and we shot the big one then its blood splattered all over.

All the zombies were gone but when my friend looked around he saw a zombie it bit him. when I turned around I saw it then he fell to the ground then suddenly he got back up he turned into a zombie then I killed the ones that jumped in the sky.the only zombie left was my friend he was running at me so I shot him.

Friday, 8 April 2016


Today I got 22 words for typing.I got this score because I practice my typing at home.


On Monday I got 38/40 for timed.I got this score because I was focused on my work.
Today I got 37/40 for timed.I got this score because I practice my thousands/division/subtraction and I am getting better.

Friday, 1 April 2016


Today I got 24 words for Typing.I got this score because I practice Typing.


On Wednesday I got 38/40 for timed.I got this score because I practice my thousands and addition and subtraction and division.    

Today I got 36/40 for timed.I got this score because I was focused on my work.