
Thursday 30 May 2019

The Importance of being in a catholic school?

This is a explanation writing on why I think going to a catholic school is important.

Prompt/Explanation about: Why being in a catholic school is important?

What is the importance of being in a catholic school?
Being a catholic school is important for many reasons, from my experience being in a catholic school
from 5 years old(Primary) to 13 year old(Intermediate)I have learned a lot about God and his son Jesus and
how to be a catholic student.

Being a catholic student helps you to show virtues like love,care and kindness, we use virtues in our school
to help us follow in the footsteps of Jesus and to show everyone what Jesus did., We also use it to help one

Another thing about being a catholic school is going to church/mass, when we go to mass we pray/ask God
to Guide us or cleanse us from our sins or other things. Going to church is like our alone time that we spend
with God and we talk/communicate with him.

In conclusion being a catholic student and attending a catholic school can help you develop your skills on
most subjects.