Click on the link below to watch one episode of the Tom and Vinicius show. After you have finished watching the video, post a summary of the episode on your blog. What do you think is happening in the video? Please make sure to include a title that tells us which episode you are summarising!
Tom and Vinicius Video Episode #3
Tom and Vinicas was looking for a home until Vinicas found a log and he went in it and then he was about to go sleep until a worm drooped on his head.then Tom found a tree trunk and he went in it but then a angry owl came and attacked him until they found a birdhouse found a birdhouse then Vinicas had an idea he put the birdhouse on the tree but Tom didn't agree he put it in the lake then Vinicas took it off him then Vinicas came up with an idea they were gonna build their own house. Tom was breaking all the wood and Vinicas was catching them and he threw it and he made the bottom part and Tom was shooting the nails into the house then when they were finished they went inside and went to bed until they felt uncomfortable and then Vinicas went outside of a tree and he was sleeping like a sloth then Tom went in the lake and slept on the lily pad.