
Sunday, 31 December 2017

Summer Learning Journey Day 2 Bonus Activity - Week 4

1. Salsa dancing is from Cuba.

2.Salsa dancing has been popular ever since the 70s.

3.It's been travelling to many country's(Spain,Cuba,Mexico and around the world.

It's original country that it came from was Cuba.
The Person that created it was Cuban son.


  1. Hi Jerome,
    Great job on finishing the weeks on the summer learning journey.Have you ever seen one do a salsa before?

    by Akesa

    1. Hey Kesa,
      Yeah I have seen someone do the Salsa dance and I've done it too.I was learning how to do it from my Spanish Colombian friend at the camp I went to for 5 weeks.

      After I knew what to do I was dancing with this girl and that's how I learned how to Salsa dance.

      Thanks for commenting on my blog!
      Jerome Happy New Year #2018!

  2. Hey Jerome,

    Thank you for sharing three facts about the Salsa, I didn’t know that it only became popular in the 1970s. I find it interesting that the Salsa made its way through South America, I wonder if any of those countries tweaked the dance.. Do you know if the Salsa is any different in Spain than it is in Cuba?

    I knew that the dance originated in Cuba, but I’m not sure who created it. Cuban Son is not a person, so you might need to do a bit more research as to who the creator of the Salsa is.

    I love watching Salsa dancing because it is so passion filled and has a lot of fluid movement. What do you think of the dance? Do you like it?

    Just a reminder, there are a few days left to complete as many activities as you can before the programme ends on the 26th of January.

    Keep up the great work!

    Toe feiloa’i fo’i,

