
Thursday, 12 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey: Teaser Week - Day 5 Activity 1

5 Rules on you follow to be Cybersmart

1. Don't share any photo's or videos to random/unknown people.

2.Only friend people you know, if you don't know them then don't friend them.

3. Be respectful to people online and don't Cyber-Bully.

4. Be careful on the sites that you use, it might lead to other bad ones.

5. Don't talk to people you don't know.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jerome,
    I really like number 3 rule "Be respectful to people online and don't Cyber-Bully", I really like that one because I know that there are many people that is not kind to other people online and I think that it is not nice.

    Can you think of any other rules that you have learned in class about being Cybersmart?

    Keep up the amazing work!
