
Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey:Week 2 - Day 2 Activity 1

I think Nelson Mandela would've been going through some rough and hard times during this period, he spent 18 years in prison for doing the right thing. It doesn't seem fair on him, since he had to spend his time in prison instead of out ( like out of prison). I think a lot of frustration and anger would have been going through him during that time.


  1. Hi Jerome,
    Its me Christopher.
    Great to see your still blogging!
    Your doing great so far!

    Just like you I think it isn't fair on him because all he did was try to help! Also your supposed to write a diary like how hes been doing but what you think!

    Besides that your doing a great job!

    Malo Aupito

  2. Hi Jerome, this is Mrs Collins from Manaiakalani and I'll be commenting on blogs over term break. Well done on posting and participating in the SLJ this year. I really like the narrative about Nelson Mandela... How will you be a changemaker? Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!
